Illinois Animal Rescue Inc. - Bloomingdale Pet Shelter

Illinois Animal Rescue Inc.

Illinois Animal Rescue is a not-for-profit, no-kill animal rescue group. We are a coalition of rescuers, transporters, fosters, vets, humane societies, investigators and shelters that advocate for and save homeless animals throughout the state of Illinois while educating the general public on the humane treatment of animals and the need for comprehensive spay and neutering programs. Illinois Animal Rescue, Inc. is 501(c)(3), not for profit and no-kill. We work every day to eliminate needless deaths and inhumane treatment of all animals in the state of Illinois. Our goals are to ensure that every animal is treated with the respect that they deserve; to educate our communities on the importance of spaying or neutering their pets to solve the pet overpopulation problem; the humane treatment and care of all animals and the rescue and transportation of the many animals that are being put to death in our communities every day, due to no fault of their own.

  • Shelter Address
  • P.O. Box 399
    Bloomingdale, IL 60108
  • Phone
  • (847) 469-7551
  • Contact Name
  • Contact eMail
  • Pet types
  • Dogs/Cats
  • Location served

Adoption Process

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