Sierra's Haven is a group of volunteers working together to help find safe, loving homes for adoptable pets. In our brief existence, we have made a difference in the lives of thousands of animals. Whether they were strays or animals needing medical attention. Sierra's treated, spayed/neutered, and found them wonderful homes.
Portsmouth OH 45662 | 0.1 mile away
Sierra's Haven is a group of volunteers working together to help find safe, loving homes for adoptable pets. In our brief existence, we have made a difference in the lives of hundreds of animals. Whether they were strays or animals needing medical attention. Sierra's treated, spayed/neutered, and found them wonderful homes.
McDermott OH 45652 | 9.6 miles away
We are a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization located in McDermott, Ohio. The main focus of Wild Horse Rescue, Inc. is to rescue Mustangs from various situations. We also rescue abused, neglected, unmanageable, and unwanted horses of all types and breeds. Then, we focus on how to best gentle, rehabilitate, & train them so that the rescued horses can move on and be adopted into loving homes to liv