Shiba Inu Rescue Of Texas - Austin Pet Shelter

Shiba Inu Rescue Of Texas

Shiba Inu Rescue of Texas, Inc. (SIRTx) was founded in 1999. SIRTx is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the not-for-profit corporation law of the state of Texas and is a federal 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. We are based in Austin, Texas, and also have volunteers/foster homes in the DFW, Houston and San Antonio areas.

  • Shelter Address

  • Austin, TX
  • Phone
  • Contact Name
  • Contact eMail
  • Pet types
  • Dogs
  • Location served

Adoption Process

1. Submit an application. Feel free to indicate in the application which currently available Shiba Inu you are most interested in. 2. We take in all applications and select homes we believe to be suitable for a Shiba Inu. 3. If we feel the applicant would be a great adoptive home, we check references and set up a home check with one of our volunteers to visit the applicant's home. A home check is a way to get to know the applicant on a more personal level, get a feel for their home and living conditions, and address any concerns between both parties. Generally, these visits don't take longer than an hour. Please keep in mind that both apartment renters and home owners are welcome! 4. After approval of the home, a meeting is set up with the Shiba Inu that fits the adopters' needs best. This step is especially crucial for applicants with existing pets or children. 5. A week long trial adoption period follows, where the applicant signs the adoption application and pays the adoption fee, which Shiba Inu Rescue of Texas will not deposit for the duration of the trial period. 6. Once the trial period is over, the applicant has the choice of keeping their new Shiba buddy and making the adoption final, or deciding the situation will not work out. In the event that the adoption isn't going to work, the applicant can return the dog to Shiba Inu Rescue of Texas at no penalty, and the adoption fee will be returned to the applicant.

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Question by Lisa wright (3 months ago): I have a two year old Shiba who needs a home he is fixed and great just on hospice now and can’t care for him


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