Mid-Atlantic Border Collie Rescue is uniquely qualified to improve the lives of misplaced border collies due to more than 20 years of being a haven for border collies that have been abandoned, discarded, or neglected. Knowing and loving this breed allows MABCR to rescue dogs from uncertain futures, and place them into caring, responsible homes. MABCR knows each of their dogs intimately, and what each requires in their new home. Dogs that arrive neglected or with behavioral issues receive special care and training to allow them to rehabilitate. Assessment of each dog as individuals will determine if they should be placed as a pet, or into a working home - involved in service, herding, goose removal, agility, obedience, etc. MABCR is a 501(c)3 organization run primarily by volunteers who have direct knowledge of living and working with border collies. MABCR currently serves the Mid-Atlantic region - including Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, portions of New York, northern North Carolina, and eastern West Virginia, as well as the District of Columbia.
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