We provide high quality care for all dogs during their stay at the Hukari Animal Shelter. We provide adoption support services for Gorge dogs needing a permanent home which in turn reduces euthanasia and we are a resource for local dog owners. Adopt A Dog Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization. We work closely with the Hood River County Animal Control and Sheriff’s Office to provide every dog housed at the Hukari Animal Shelter high quality care during his or her stay. Since our inception in mid 2007, Hood River Adopt A Dog (HRAAD) has cared for thousands of canine shelter guests at an average of 275 per year. For those we have not been able to find homes for we have found alternative placements for rehabilitation and eventual adoption.
Look through our current dogs to see which dog you are interested in adopting. At the end of each dog’s profile, you can click the link to complete our online adoption application and submit it to HRAAD. From there, our Adoption team will review it, contact your references and then call you to discuss that dog’s specific needs and whether that dog will be a good fit for your lifestyle. Adoption meet & greets are scheduled by appointment. HRAAD requires all family members and dogs with whom our adoptable dog will reside with to participate in the meet and greet. This meet and greet is for our dog’s benefit as well as all household member’s. HRAAD believes that in order to assure the best possible adoption outcome our dog must be comfortable with and behave appropriately with all individuals in the family. One of HRAAD’s adoption team members will review all known behavior and medical information in the dog’s adoption packet. They will also explain HRAAD’s adoption contract and return policy before requesting your signature. We accept cash, check or credit cards for adoption fees. We always request an adoption photo. With the adopter’s permission we will post that photo on our social media including Facebook, Instagram and for future use. This is to celebrate the start of a long, happy and “fur-ever” life together!
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