Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network-ne - Whitesboro Pet Shelter

Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network (CPCRN) was formed for: The charitable purpose of rescuing purebred and mixed Cairn Terriers, Westhighland White Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, Norwich Terriers, Norfolk Terriers, Border Terriers and Scottish Terriers, which are homeless or soon to be homeless. Without limitation those found in animal shelters or released by their families for a variety of reasons. Also those Terriers and Terrier mixes who have been used as breeding stock by so called puppy mills and backyard breeders. Facilitate the pickup and transport of these dogs. Arrange for spay/neuter and all appropriate veterinary care. Rehabilitating these dogs in foster homes. Seeking applications for and screening prospective adoptive homes. Education the public about responsible Terrier care and ownership.

  • Shelter Address

  • Whitesboro, NY
  • Phone
  • Contact Name
  • Contact eMail
  • Pet types
  • Dogs
  • Location served

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